Friday, February 27, 2009


I will write about one country. it is Turkey. it is big and magnificent country. the capital city of turkey is Ankara and the biggest city is Istanbul.Turkey Shara to two side. one side in Europe and the another in Asia. 97% in it . Turkey has board with eight countries .for example, Iran ,Syria, Iraq ,Armenia and Greece. the weather in Turkey hot dry in a summer and wet and cold in winter. the temperature in a summer 30c and below 1c in winter.

Turkey has two lakes. there are Mount Arart and Lake Von . Von it is the longest lake in Turkey is 1193km . Also,Turkey has three rivers. For example, Eaphrates, Tigris and Aras. Eaphrates the longest is 1,150km .

There isn't any desert in Turkey or near it . there are many place attraction in Turkey. Antalya the most city attraction for the people. it has falls water .for example, fall Aldodanand and the weather nice.Bodrum city has shops 24 open . protected Khorshinillo has gorgeous falls . there are many museums and mosques . opposite Turkey there is black sea,Agean sea,sea of Marmara and Turkish Strait. it has the Bosporus and the Dardanelles.

1 comment:

Heather Maria said...

Great research, Abdullah Saleh! Well done!